- Written final exam (50%) includes:
- Multiple choice questions
- Short answer questions
- Senario Based Problems Solving Questions
- Laboratory (50%)
- Written final exam (50%) includes:
By the end of the course, the students should be able:
- To recognize the most common diseases that are treated surgically
- To recognize the risks of a surgery and the nursing role in the prevention and treatment of surgical complications
- To describe the patient’s preoperative preparation
- To apply caring skills to the operated patient
- Το recognize and treat postoperative complications
- To educate the patient and his family
- To recognize the discharge criteria of a patient
- Team work
- Adaptation to new situations
- Respect for difference and multiculturalism
- Respect for the natural environment
- Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking
- Working in an international environment
- Decision-making
The aim of the course is to enable student to be acquired of theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the treatment of diseases that require hospital care in a surgical department.
Course Outline
Theoretical part
- Water-Fluid and electrolytes. Balance maintenance and disorders. Parenteral fluid administration.
- Acid-based balance. Acid-base disorders.
- Surgical patients nutritional support pre and post operatively.
- Preoperative Nursing Care
- Types of surgery, surgical stress and Intraoperative Nursing
- Postoperative Hospitalization
- Surgical complications and prevention of surgical complications
Applied surgical nursing care in the following common surgeries:
- Esophagus-stomach-duodemum
- Intestinal
- Thyroid and cervical
- Breast
- Sensory organs
- Other minor surgeries (varicose vein surgeries, coccygeal cyst, minor injuries, minor fractures, etc.)
Laboratory part
Students are trained in the medical-surgical nursing lab where specific procedure techniques and skills are demonstrated which are applied for therapeutic purposes and in order to treat pathological conditions mainly in surgical patients. In particular, laboratory part of the course includes the following nursing modules-procedures.
- Nasogastric intubation (Levin)
- Gastric lavage
- Artificial nutrition (Parenteral Nutrition, Enteral Nutrition)
- Therapeutic and diagnostic paracentesis.
- Thoracic drainage
- Bladder catheterization
- Bladder irrigation
- Musculoskeletal care: Bandages, plaster bandages, plaster casts, traction
- Stoma care
- Tracheostomy / Treatment, tracheostomy tube change, Tracheostomy suction, Tracheobronchial suction
- Placement of vascular catheters in critically ill patients for monitoring reasons
As part of the workshop, students visit hospital surgical clinics.