Koreli Alexandra

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Faculty Members

Assistant Professor



Name: Alexandra Koreli

Current Position: Assistant Professor

Scientific Domain: Nursing

Sector: Basic Nursing

Αdministrative positions

2018- today Member of the Erasmus Committee

2020- today Academic Advisor

Laboratory: Nursing Rehabilitation of the Chronically ill (K13 102), Tel: 0030 210 5385649-642

Tel: +302105385 613-616

Email: akoreli@uniwa.gr

Research Gate id: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexandra-Koreli

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1qVaHGoAAAAJ&hl=el&oi=ao

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1713-9055

Web of Sciences:  https://publons.com/researcher/4699116/alexandra-koreli/



2021: PhD, “Assessment of patient decision making and quality of life in choice of rectal tumours therapy by TEMS surgery”, School of Medicine, University of Crete.

2001: Master in Health Sciences ̶ Research Methods, “Health Problems in Orchestra Musicians”, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University Northumbria at Newcastle.

1984: Bachelor Degree of Nursing, Nursing School (ASAN) General Hospital of Athens.

Research interests: Nursing, perioperative nursing, patient’s experience, quality of life, shared decision making, nursing education.

Academic appointments

2018 – today: Lecturer at Nursing Department, University of West Attica

2016-2018: Lecturer at Nursing Department, TEI of Athens

2003-2016: Laboratory Associate at Nursing Department, TEI of Athens. 

Professional experience

2001-2002: Nurse & Audit Assistant, Trauma Department, “James Cook University Hospital”, UK.

1984-1993: Registered Nurse, Theatre Nurse, General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas”, Athens.

Courses Taught

Undergraduate level: Introduction to Nursing Science- Nursing Theories, Fundamentals of Nursing I & Fundamentals of Nursing II, Pharmacology, Writing an academic paper.

Postgraduate level

2014-2018: MSc in “Neurological disorders – evidence based practice”, Nursing Department, TEI of Athens. Courses taught: “Qualitative Research in Nursing and Health Sciences”.

2017-today: MSc in “Management of chronic diseases”, Nursing Department, University of West Attica. Courses taught: “Research Methodology in Health sciences”.

Other information

Editorial member of “Perioperative Nursing” journal

Reviewer: BMJ open, Inquiry, OBM Geriatric

Member of Hellenic Nursing Association (HNA)

Member of Hellenic Nursing Union (HNU)

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), UK – registration since 1999

Extensive studies in music, taught piano performance and technique at undergraduate and postgraduate level at National Conservatoire of Athens 2002-2016


Indicative publications

Koreli, A., Briassoulis, G., Sideris, M., Philalithis, A., Papagrigoriadis, S. (2021). Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) for Rectal Cancer: Patient Decision-making, Postoperative Experience and Quality of Life. In Vivo, 35 (2): 1235-1245. doi: https://doi.org/10.21873/invivo.12374

Papazisis, A., Koreli, A., Misouridou, E. (2019). Heavy Smoking is Associated with Low Depression and Stress: a Smokers’ Paradox in Cardiovascular Disease. Materia socio-medica,31 (4): 268. doi: 10.5455/msm.2019.31.268-272

Papagiorgis, P., Koreli, A., Tsiou, C., Katsoulas, T., Koutsopoulou, V., Fouka, G. (2016). Nursing Students Participation and the Degree of Involvement in Essential Nursing Activities during their Clinical Practice in Hospital Settings. International J of Caring Sciences 9 (2): 612.

Jha, MK., Corbett, WA., Wilson, RG., Koreli, A., Papagrigoriadis, S. (2006). Variance of surgeons versus pathologists in staging of colorectal cancer. Minerva Chirurgica, 61:(5): 385-391. PMID: 17159746

Papagrigoriadis, S., Koreli, A. (2004). Interviewing on life threatening issues for research purposes: can it be harmful for the patient? Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 14: 135-138.

Papagrigoriadis, S., Debrah, S., Koreli, A. Husain, A. (2004). Impact of diverticular disease on hospital costs and activity. Colorectal Disease, 6 (2): 81-4. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1463-1318.2004.00532.x

Papagrigoriadis, S., Arunkumar, I., Koreli, A., Corbett, WA. (2004). Evaluation of flexible sigmoidoscopy as an investigation for “left-sided” colorectal symptoms. Postgrad Med J, 80 (940): 104-6 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/pmj.2003.008540


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