Stefanidou Spyridoula

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Faculty Members



Name: Spiridoula Stefanidou

Current Position: Lecturer

Scientific Domain: Basic Nursing

Sector: Basic Nursing

Laboratory: Basic Nursing (Κ13 204), tel: 2105385613

Office Tel: 210-5385613




2014: PhD Candidate, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2008: Master of Science “Health Promotion & Health Education”, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2001: Degree in Counseling and Guidance, SELETE at Athens.

1994: Annual Postgraduate Teacher Training Program in PATES – SELETE at Athens (now ASPAITE).

1991: Degree in Nursing, Nursing Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

1985: Degree in Specialty in Surgical Nursing from General Hospital of Athens “Evangelismos”.

1984: Degree of Higher Nursing School from General Hospital of Athens “Evangelismos”.


Research interests: Clinical education, Health promotion, Individual-family psychosocial assessment, Communication skills, Patients with chronic health problems.

Academic appointments

1994 – 2017: Faculty Member, Department of Nursing, TEI of Athens

2018 – σήμερα: Faculty Member, Department of Nursing, University of West Attica.

Professional experience

1984 – 1994: RN Nurse in Surgery Clinic at General Hospital of Athens “Evagelismos“

1994 -2017: Faculty Member, Department of Nursing, TEI of Athens

2018 – σήμερα: Faculty Member, Department of Nursing, University of West Attica.

Courses Taught- Undergraduate Courses

2004 – Today: “Basic Nursing I and II”, “Introduction to Nursing Science”.

2019: Laboratory of Nursing Pharmacology

2004 – 2014: Community Nursing

1994 -2004: Psychiatric Nursing, Pathological – Surgical Nursing

Other information

Member in Research Laboratory ‘Nursing Rehabilitation of the Chronically Ill’, University of West Attica

Member of National Nurses Association of Greece

Member of the Hellenic Nurses Association


Recent publications

Pappa A, Koutelekos I, Chrysovitsanou C, Polykandrioti M, Stefanidou S. Factors associated with perceived social support of patients with multiple sclerosis. Curr J Neurd 2021, 20, (2): 64 -72.

Polikandrioti Μ, Stefanidou S. Depression in non-psychiatric patients. Rostrum of Asclepius 2013, 12 (4): 397 – 408.

Stefanidou S, Gerogianni G. The need of providing information to hospitalized patients. Perioperative nursing 2012, 1 (1): 15 -2.

Stefanidou S, Babatsikou F, Koutis C, Kristalli E. Nutritional intervention program among office employees. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias και Farmakokinetikes-Greek Edition 2011, 29, 21-30.


For the CV, click here.